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Shopping is "iZi"

Fast, easy, secure

Purchase travel tickets and passes using your mobile phone.

Accepted bank cards

City transit tickets and passes on your mobile phone  

Group tickets

This new feature offers convenient service for passengers traveling in groups. Any number of 30-minute or 120-minute tickets can be purchased in a single transaction for individuals traveling in a group. The number of tickets purchased is shown in the image of the ticket displayed by the mobile phone.(View here>)

Tickets and Passes for beneficiaries

Tickets and passes can be purchased for other beneficiaries, as well, like family members or friends. After entering the mobile phone number and the picture ID number of the beneficiary the ticket or pass will be purchased for the beneficiary and delivered automatically to his / her mobile telephone. The beneficiary has to be registered iziSHOP user.(View here>)

Using this new feature parents can purchase tickets or passes for their children. Once a ticket or pass was purchased the beneficiary can be automatically notified by SMS. The iziSHOP application can store all beneficiary data under aliases so that following purchases can be executed without reentering beneficiary data.

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